September 25, 2013

organic cherry

5 x 7", oil on canvas


September 22, 2013

orange slice

4 x 6", oil on canvas

September 19, 2013

cherries reflecting windows

5 x 7", acrylic on canvas


September 18, 2013


6 x 8", oil on cradled wood panel

yes, this is reworked from the painting a few weeks back - this darling little girl sitting on her feeder in arizona.  the background never sat right with me: the color, though accurate from the original photo, did nothing for the painting, in my opinion, and the look overall was too static. here's to experimentation and never letting a painting become too precious. :-)

September 16, 2013

cherries in pyrex dish

5x7", acrylic on canvas


September 03, 2013

x's and o's

6x6", acrylic on canvas
